Mannequin Collections
The mannequin collections are a sample of the different types of mannequins that exist related to a specific theme.
Thus, for example, you can find sports mannequins. These types of mannequins are very useful for displaying clothes and accessories related to any type of sports activity such as football, basketball or tennis, among many other options.
If you need to acquire a large number of mannequins and you do not have the necessary resources, a very good option is to resort to rental mannequins. In this way, you will have at your disposal the mannequins you need for the time you have contracted at a much lower price than if you had to buy them.
A type of mannequin that is being used more and more due to the multiple advantages it offers for certain sectors are the bust forms. These mannequins are a “sculpture” made up of the head and a part of the torso. They do not have a full body, no arms, no legs.
The fabrication mannequin is a sector that is booming due to the appearance of new technologies that allow making mannequins that are increasingly realistic, with more details and totally customizable according to the use that you want to give them.